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Learn about the intro to computer science PART V

Last time in the intro to computer science we were starting to understand the basics of coding and the information that embedded into coding for example, if you were to create a website and want to add style to the background of the website then you would use background colors in the style.css bit to confirm that you are adding color to the background of the website.

Let's see if you were still keeping up with the lessons, Check for understanding:

If I was to create a website and wanted a background color of "Black" what is the correct RGB (RED, GREEN, AND BLUE) for the back-ground?

  • RGB: (0, 0, 0) Since no color was assigned.

  • RGB: (255, 0, 0)

  • RGB: (255, 255, 0)

  • RGB: (0, 0, 255)

Now that you have a little understanding of coding, let's get into today's lesson.


There can be multiple ways to collect information for example, in a previous blog we were talking about gathering data and information. People tend to collect data and information is through surveys, interviews, or even small observations whether in your science class or even when you are outside with friends you want to take a minute to think about all the things that are happening right in front of your face.

  • INTERVIEWS: This way of gather information is through a series of question that interviewers ask to the interviewees to make sure that they are right person for the position of the job the interviewee is applying for. It is Important for the interviewer to ask as many questions as possible to gather enough information on the person they are interviewing. When it comes to interviews it isn't easy to compute especially with computer algorithms so they will be able to have a pattern for each interview they have, interviews are time consuming which means the amount of information you obtain the more work it is to find the right person, but companies want the best they don't want just okay they want someone who knows exactly what they are doing and if they are willing to put in the work for the job position.

  • Surveys: This form of obtaining information is simply just answering random of question and composing results by the end of the survey. Most people find surveys on the series of question that the user asks online then there are some that get surveys for classes that they are finished with. The school that I attend they mostly call it teacher evaluations and sometimes we would rate the course we have taken that allows the school and the teacher to collect information on they can do better as a course and as teacher.

  • There is another way to collect data if you have not notice yet on these blogs would be considered information which is the polls they are also considered as information because we as the writers are gaining that information on the polls to who is actually viewing and answering the polls to stay engaged with the blogs as well and what we can do to make them better.

When it comes to obtaining information people also like to have graphs and charts to know how well the product/website they have created is doing in their business. This allows the owners to look at the information of the website to see what they need to improve. For example, Encon-x the more users that visit the website the better it is for us since we are gaining those users visits and generates traffic. I as the owner am able to look at the visits we get, and it shows on a graph of when people log on and off of the website to know how much traffic the website gets every day.

In curiosity to collect information:

What type of chart/graph is this?

  • 0%Line Graph

  • 0%Bar Graph

  • 0%Pie chart

  • 0%Scattered plot graph

Let's go more into computer science, more specifically into the engineering side of computer science.


Engineering is part of science that allows people to study the usage of machines and being able to bring solutions to any problems that occurs in machines. More specifically we will look at two of the most important parts computer science:

Computer engineering => the study applications of computer science and engineering to computer software and hardware

When engineers are creating designs, they have to take specific steps in order to create the perfect design that would mean creating prototypes until the creators create the right one. The trials they engineers go through, has the engineer grow their knowledge to submit a better design.

  1. Engineers must identify what the problem is with their design. Engineers need to find what is causing occurring problems and they focus on how they can improve and find the best solution to their designs.

  2. They start to plan to create a new prototype for the design that helps find any problems so they can adjust and find the solution.

  3. Engineers start to build for example, Encon-x the value of using code and building it with a platform is important for the project in order for it to be successful and to keep running on a live server.

  4. Next, is testing it once you think the product is already you can test and find out if there are no problems, no need for debugging, no troubleshooting, etc. It is still important to have other people look at your prototype in order to see if there are any problems on their end as well.

  5. Finally, is always to improve your inventions and add onto it. Just because something works doesn't mean that it can't be improved upon that is what makes engineering complex and interesting.

From experience I have been through many trials of trying to create a good website for people to use for example those that have read the blogs I have recently used which was able to help with websites, but it was hard knowing how much money you would have to use for creating the platform their prices are ridiculous so then as time went I tried applying a bit of code to create a website from scratch which did turn out better than expected, but it wasn't enough to so we used another platform and applying series of code to create a website that draws in traffic which is working but not as much as it should.

Testing is time consuming which is one of the hardest parts of engineering. Many things can go wrong with running programs, programmers try to limit the number of flaws that pertain to the program so the process can move quickly and smoothly.

Programmers take the initiative to create protocols for programing in order to make sure no viruses corrupt the program. It is called defensive programming they allow for the program to keep running even when things may seem off with the program. By allowing the program to keep running, programmers can see the issue at hand of what seems to be the problem with the program. For me sometimes when I'm writing a program, I write an email to someone, and I would see that being an issue where the text produces an error stating I have not sent an email to an existing address. Then arises questions about how to prevent this issue from happening like how I can input a program that prevents a user from imputing any wrong information.

So, what is another solution to help run programs? Well inside those programs are considered to have what is called user and test cases. These types of cases allow the users to make any adjustments they want to the program. Take Encon-x for example, I as the owner am able to make adjustments to the programs that are running on the website to make any adjustments to the website to make it more user friendly and more useful for advertisements.

USER CASES: They are considered to be actions listed that users could take into account. More generally it allows users to have access to use the program.

TEST CASES: These cases check to see if users are capable of completing a goal in the program, they also have certain conditions that are met to have the program run. Test cases is to look at each condition at a time to know that the program is running perfectly.

If you plan on creating a website, you will need to make sure that each variable in the program is working correctly and making sure that nothing is failing. It is valued that you should look at test cases that use many types of inputs.

Well let's end with a check for understanding:

What does a defensive programming do?

  • Run your program to protect against a virus.

  • Run a program that runs even when things go wrong.

  • Only answer choice A)

  • Allows the program to run in order to shut down the computer

And as always everyone, LEARN, GROW, CONNECT

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