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Learn about the intro to Computer Science PART I

Updated: Jan 5

What exactly is Computer Science?

Well Computer Science is basically the study of computers to solve problems.

Now let's dive deeper into just the definition.... Computers are generally a system that stores and processes information and displays that information on a screen right in front of you for example: Pictures, essays, files, etc. that is generally what a computer does which is why people have shifted into modern technology (Desktops, laptops, tablets, etc.) It is important to know that Computer Science has sections that are meant to be followed to the letter otherwise you may mess up in Computer Science.

Computing systems

  1. This is generally the hardware that is used for computers that allows the user to feel and touch think of it more like the physical hardware of the computer. The software (programs) they are the components that must work together (if they don't then the computer cannot function)

Computers can definitely store much more information than humans can because they process things faster, but the funny thing is we build them to do that! Computer Scientists use computers to help develop new technology that makes users lives easier. It is important to know that computers help our daily lives. For example:

  • Computers have put humans into space and further to the moon and to mars and one day humans might live on Mars (who knows what the future may hold!)

  • Computers help surgeons perform surgeries with perfect precision.

  • Computers can bring entertainment to users such as video games and movies/TV shows.

When it comes to becoming a computer scientist it means that you would have not only a consumer but be a creator at the same time.

Examples of Computer Science

  • Computer Science is creating an app using your phone that allows people to post anything that they want with each other hence "Encon-x".

  • Programming video Games

  • Programming a tool that allows people to get insight on answers that are hard to calculate on paper or in your head.

Areas of Computer Science

  • Computing systems: what we went over they are considered to be machines that run programs and process the information given.

  • Algorithms and Programming: Algorithms are mainly sets of instructions that you follow to complete the task for example solving the Rubik's cube that requires algorithms in order to get each color on its opposing side (Solving a 3x3 Rubik's cube coming soon)

  • Data and Analysis: When it comes to data (unorganized info) and analysis (the process of organizing and understanding data) it is generally storing/collecting information.

  • Networks and Internet: The networks are generally another way of saying connected devices for example social media would be consider a social network where people connect their devices on one major platform. Also, Encon-x would also be considered a network to connect devices where people can post what they want. The Internet is another type of network (worldwide network) people have obviously heard of "www" also known as world wide web where people use their devices to connect to any websites for entertainment or personal use. (It is important to focus on security on the website to know exactly what is appropriate to upload something on the internet because once you upload something you can never delete it, the internet is not written in pencil, it is written in ink so be careful!!)

  • The value of computing: the information for computing is mainly focused on studying how computers function, cyber security, and online behavior; Always ask yourself is it really worth creating? If you have an idea run it by other people to get their input and keep moving forward.

Now let's see if your understanding: Answer this question.

Which of these two would be considered NOT a computing system?

  • Cell Phones

  • Books

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A lot of these new invention have made thing easy for this future generations.For instance I had to carry a lot of books back n forth to school now all you need is a tablet or cell phone , all the things you want to know is at your fingertips without having to go to the library

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